Marketing Recruiting Expertise that Understands your Needs...
...and Moves at the Speed of Your Business
Marketing functions—and the supporting technologies—have changed at a break-neck pace over the past decade. From digital marketing surging forward, to “marketing supporting sales” as the new normal, we understand what it means to have an open position. We don't keep up with the trends to sound cool, we understand how they can impact—and drive—your business. It's why we specialize in marketing recruiting.
As former marketing leaders, Lucas Select knows the pressure you are under to keep your team and company focused while supporting sales, driving revenue, raising awareness, building brands, managing data, generating leads, —and keeping on budget.

Your team is already pulled in many different directions. Finding time to scope a new position and then recruit for it just isn’t a priority—even though filling the position is. We can help you write the job description, determine the hard and soft skills needed for success and then present a slate of high-performers for you to evaluate. Don’t let the alphabet soup of marketing get you down—from ABM, B2B, B2C, CRM to SEO and SEM—we’ve got you covered.

Karen Morris
VP, Marketing
Lucas Select has been a valuable recruiting partner. They quickly found a Digital Marketing Automation Manager for our Marketing team.
Because we specialize in just marketing and sales recruiting, we know the background your successful candidate will have—and which of the latest technology tools and skills are needed to hit the ground running.